3244 Sepulveda Blvd
Torrance, CA 90505

What is the minimum age requirement for dental implants?

There is no minimum age requirement for having dental implant surgery. There is, however, a time when it’s suitable for implant placement. That is after the patient is fully grown skeletally. That means that the patient has completed his/her growth and the

There is no minimum age limit for implant surgery. However, there is an optimal time for implant treatment. It is after the patient has grown skeletally. In other words, the patient has grown up and has become an adult skeleton. You can check for complete skeletal growth with an X-ray of your wrist.

There is no minimum age limit for dental implant surgery, but there is a condition for dental implant surgery, that is, after the patient’s bones are fully developed. This can be confirmed by X-ray inspection.

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